12 Frequently Asked Questions

List of most frequently asked question list is given in below

: FAQs by customers

Here we are going to discuss following question asked by customers from various fields like cement industries, steel sectors, paper mill etc.

Q1) What are the indicators of mechanical life of contactors?

Q2)Which application criteria shall be considered for use of contactors on line side of variable speed drives?

Q3) Which application criteria shall be considered for use of contactors on load side of variable speed drives?

Q4)What are the derating factors for Contactors at higher frequencies?

Q5) How do I calculate the critical length on control cable for contactor?

Q6)Is there any guidelines available to determine the correct size of control transformers?

Q7)What is Effect of Cable Capacitance on the Operation of AC operated Contactors

8)How to calculate power loss of contactors which is generally required for thermal calculations of a switchboard

9)Which technical consequences shall be considered if mounting position other than standard is used?

10)How do load ratings change when contacts are connected in parallel or in series? Which option should be chosen?

11)How can I select contactors for utilization categories AC-8a and AC-8b? What special features have to be observed?



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