Simple 3 Transistor Amplifier

Mini 3 transistor amplifier is a simple amplifier with 50mW power drawn by 3 transitor. The series of three mini-amplifier transistors can be used for loud speaker 8 ohm load. Source voltage required to activate the mini-amplifier can be drawn from the batteries 9V.Rangkaian 3 transistor amplifier is often used in simple portabe audio devices such as radios or small tape recorder. Mini-transistor amplifier circuit 3 is quite simple as shown in the figure below.

Mini Amplifier with 3 Transistor

Mini-transistor amplifier circuit 3 includes type of amplifier OTL (Output Transformer Less). Mini-transistor amplifier circuit 3 is used for output coupling capacitors. Amplifier circuit is simple and suitable when used for audio amplifier experiment.


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