RF Generator 6 GHz Circuit Diagram

RF Generator 6 GHz Circuit Diagram. When we talk about high-frequency, everything seems to be difficult, a simple coil becomes a feat. Doing a search on the Internet found that generator "comb" (comb generator), which is a signal generator that produces multiple harmonics of your input signal. The appearance of the output on a spectrum analyzer resemble a comb, hence the name.
Comb generators are simpler to build and seem to work well up to 1 GHz This generator I found surprised me because he was 6 GHz has a crystal oscillator 96 MHz (third overtone), capacitively coupled to a broadband amplifier using IC mar3 and capacitively coupled to a back-to-back diode set low capacitance PIN. According to the creator of this circuit was originally designed to produce a reference signal in the amateur radio band of 2.4 GHz, hence the 96.013 MHz crystal
Comb generators are simpler to build and seem to work well up to 1 GHz This generator I found surprised me because he was 6 GHz has a crystal oscillator 96 MHz (third overtone), capacitively coupled to a broadband amplifier using IC mar3 and capacitively coupled to a back-to-back diode set low capacitance PIN. According to the creator of this circuit was originally designed to produce a reference signal in the amateur radio band of 2.4 GHz, hence the 96.013 MHz crystal
RF Generator 6 GHz Circuit Diagram

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