
Showing posts from October, 2017

Stereo amplifier uses a National LM3871C

Stereo amplifier uses a National LM3871C Stereo amplifier uses a National LM3871C. The pin numbers in parentheses are for one channel, and those not in parentheses are for the other channel. The supply voltage can be +9 to +30 Vdc at about 10 mA. The output voltage swing is about Vee-2 V pk-pk. Stereo amplifier uses a National LM3871C

Voltage Regulator Circuit Using LM317

The Voltage Regulator Circuit Using LM317 circuit diagram shows a way of powering a two-way mobile radio using the LM317T voltage regulator. The LM317 T is an adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator that efficiently provides a load current of 1.5 Amps over an output range of 1.2 V and 37 V. With reference to the circuit, it can accept 14 volts without any hassle and the voltage can be controlled easily with the use of a potentiometer, a 3-terminal resister with sliding contact. The whole circuit will contain the following components: Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Resistor 1 (R1): 270 ohms Resistor 2 (R2): 2K carbon potentiometer Capacitor 1 (C1): 100nF Capacitor 2 (C2): 1uF tantalum LM317T Voltage Regulator Heat Sink DC Power Jacks Green LED: Power Red LED: Over Voltage Zener Diode: over voltage LED switch The zener diode switches on the over voltage LED if the voltage passing through is larger than the breakdown or preset voltage. The use of zener diode permits a constant amou...

Implementation of Customised SCADA for Cartoner Packaging machine for Cost Effective Solution

Implementation of Cust omised SCADA for Cartoner   Packaging machine for Cost Effective Solution Abstract –   In Factory Automation   engineers are looking for the use of Visual Basic for the implementation of SCADA applications for several reasons.    Most of the SCADA applications require a very less number of user input parameters and data logging, monitoring and trending functionalities to be visualised by the user.    In Industrial environment, there are times when traditional SCADA based solutions provide most of the functionality but at a much higher cost than budgets allow for small OEM customers. By utilizing Visual Basic's integrated event based user interface design and database connectivity    functionality like SQL and adding off-the-shelf plug-in’s like ActiveX controls or DLL    or MSCOMM components to produce frontend graphics, trending, communication, and alarming. Developers, OEMs, integrators, and users can create...